1994/9 – 1998/7,东北大学,信息学院工业自动化专业,学士
1998/9 – 2001/7,东北大学,控制理论与控制工程专业,硕士,导师:徐心和
2001/9 – 2004/8, 东北大学,模式识别与智能系统专业,博士,导师:徐心和
2004.11-至今 大连海事大学船舶电气工程学院物联网工程系,副教授
医学影像智能计算教育部重点实验室开放课题,80621001,基于CT影像的颈动脉分割关键技术研究,2021/07-2022/06, 4万元,在研,主持。
医学影像智能计算教育部重点实验室开放课题,80620001,基于CT影像的肝脏分割关键技术研究,2020/07-2021/06, 4万元,已结题,主持。
医学影像智能计算教育部重点实验室开放课题,80119008,基于GPU的光线追踪的三维可视化技术,2019/07-2020/06, 4万元,已结题,主持。
1.洪少壮,胡英,于宏伟. 基于多特征的红外成像VOCs气体检测,计算机仿真,38(03):374-379,2021.
2.金鑫,胡英. 基于改进深度网络的车辆乘员数量检测研究,激光与红外,51(01):52-58,2021.
3.金鑫,胡英. 基于改进Faster R-CNN的车辆乘员数量检测方法,红外技术,42(11):1104-1111, 2020.
4.苏洪超,胡英, 洪少壮. 基于红外图像特征与K-means的边缘检测,红外技术,42(1):81-85, 2020.
5.Deng ZhiAn,Hu Ying, Yu Jiangguo, et,al. Extended Kalman Filter for Real Time Indoor Localization by Fusing WiFi and Smartphone Inertial Sensors. MICROMACHINES, 6(4): 523-543, 2015
6.Chen XinYu,Hu Ying, Ma Zi. The location and identification of concentric circles in automatic camera calibration. Optics and Laser Technology, v 54:185-190, 2013.
7.Hu Ying, Zhang YaFei, Xu Huipu. 3D contact measurement system based on stereo vision, Transducer and Microsystem Technologies, 32(3): 89-92, 2013.
1.Jin Xin,Hu Ying, Zhang Chu-Yue. Image restoration method based on GAN and multi-scale feature fusion. Proc of the 2020 32th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC2020, p 2305-2310, 2020.
2.Hong Shuao-Zhang,Hu Ying, Yu Hong-Wei. A VOCs Gas Detection Algorithm Based On Infrared Thermal Imaging. Proc of the 2019 31th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC2019, p 329-334, 2019.
3.Zhang Yan,Hu Ying. Video Smoke Detection Based on Convolution Neural Network. Proc of 2018 International Computers, Signals and Systems Conference, ICOMSSC 2018, p 123-127, 2018.
4.Yuan De-Fei,Hu Ying, Bi Feng-Long. Video smoke detection based on semitransparent properties. Proc of the 2015 27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC2015, p 364-369, 2015.
5.Wang Kui,Hu Ying, Bi Fenglong. On motion mechanism calibration technology of a linear structured light 3D measurement system. Proc of International Conference on Logistics, Engineering, Management and Computer Science, LEMCS 2014, p22-25, 2014.
6.Wu Yingjing,Hu Ying. Video smoke detection based on the optical properties. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 484, p 235-244, 2014.三、授权发明专利